Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Ege Fren superior management, in scope of Labor Health and Safety Management System, undertakes;
• To create a healthy, safe and ergonomic working environment for employees, to increase awareness of sustainable labor health and safety upon assessing risks and opportunities in physical, chemical, biological and ergonomical respect,
• To set targets regarding to Labor Health and Safety and to develop management programs in order to achieve such targets,
• To ensure continuous improvement upon measuring performance of Labor Health and Safety Management System,
• To fulfill requirements of legal and other provisions in force,
• To work on the matter of Labor Health and Safety with “Zero Work Accident” principle, to predetermine factors that may cause labor accicent or occupational disease in workplace, to eliminae or to reduce dangers and risks with an effective risk assessment study,
• To provide for all necessary personal protective equipment on the basis of risk analysis,
• To encourage all employees, suppliers of us and contractor company employees to use labor safety protective material,
• To generalize safety culture, which was shaped upon participation and thoughts of all employees of us and employee representatives,
• To evaluate effects of new product, machinery, plant and equipment in terms of labor health and safety, at the stage of planning,
• To do necessary planning for possible urgent cases and to take proactive measures,
• To take all measures against disasters such as fire, injury and disease creating hazard for safety of life and property and to audit applicability of studies conducted in connection with this matter and to update necessarily,
• To provide for all necessary fire protection equipment as specified in laws.
Revision Date : 30.10.2024